Venus in Pisces
Everything for a Pisces Venus is a daydream or a nightdream; limerent and liminal; a poem or a fantasy pushing into the expanse until backing up against an unknown earthly boundary - at most inappropriately, or at least too-much-edly - but often transcendently. It can be otherworldly, melancholy and divine. There is home for Venus in Pisces within the ether and the projection, between life and death. The magnitude at which it operates is occasionally so unhinged it’s fabulously hilarious. They’re sacrificing themselves for us, for the poetic anguish. They’re laughing and crying at the same time, dripping in jewels. A sweet inner child with unrequited longing to be swallowed whole—by you, by everything, by God. As Hans Christian Andersen (Pisces Venus) said: “If you looked down to the bottom of my soul, you would understand fully the source of my longing and – pity me. Even the open, transparent lake has its unknown depths, which no divers know.”
This is a special Venus in Pisces transit before Saturn fully comes into this sign for 3 years, tying a heavy stone to the dream, or building it up into something real. In many instances probably both! Saturn in Pisces is one of the 4 major transits of 2023 Georgia and I will be talking about and celebrating during our workshop on March 4th in Los Angeles. Spots are still available here!
In the meantime, enjoy the following parade of Pisces Venus: